For me, this seemed insurmountable; where do I begin? Untappd was a great place to start; they have badges for most main styles and groups that tell you what they are and keep you organized. But these things didn't pop up overnight. Beer has been brewed in some form for thousands of years by more cultures than we could ever know. It has a rich history. How to learn?
A few months ago I heard about
the Cicerone® Certification Program, which is the industry standard of
excellence in knowing all things about beer. There are many classes and
certifications one can take, but Cicerone® differs in that it actually
tests your knowledge, not just participation. You have to know styles,
brand examples, proper ways to serve and store beer, common off-flavor
examples, and even pairings with food. The program is divided into four
levels: Certified Beer Server, Certified Cicerone®, Advanced Cicerone®,
and Master Cicerone® (the last title, only about a dozen individuals in
the word can claim). Each level has its challenges; but really it's an
adventure to learn more and more about beer.
I first read about the program, I knew it was something I wanted to
try. In September, I finally started my journey after studying the free
syllabus and took the exam for Certified Beer Server, which I passed. It
was a great overview of the more difficult things to come. For beer
enthusiasts, it's a genuinely fun exam to take as well, after all, it's
about beer! My goal is to study for the next level and eventually take
the Certified Cicerone® exam. I figure it's a tangible goal to really
aid in developing a burgeoning passion. As opposed to the first level
being all online, the second is in-person and includes a blind taste
test and off-flavor exam as well as written component. It'll be a fun
adventure! Maybe you'll come along?
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